Kirsten Dunst dot Org » Magazine Covers

Complete Magazine Covers List – Thanks John!


Premiere (November)
Cine Tele Revue (November) [France]
American Libraries (December)


Esquire (Month unknown) [Japan]


Detroit Free Press “TV Book” magazine (Oct 26th-Nov 1st)


Chicago Sun-Times TV Preview magazine (Jan 18th)
Twist (June/July issue)
Seventeen (April)
Jump (August)
Venice (August)
Film Demnachst (October) [Germany]
Gear (December)
Seventeen (January)
Femme Fatales (April)
Sky (April) [UK]
Evening Standard “Hot Tickets” magazine (May 19th-25th) [UK]*
Interview (June)
Teen Style (June/July issue)
American Cheerleader (August)
Filmink (August) [Australia]
Teen (August)
Teen Tribute (Fall issue) [Canada]
Maxim (September)
Ocean Drive (September)
Jump (October/November issue)
Seventeen (December)


Etc (January 6th-19th) [Malaysia]
Day And Night (January 15th-21st) [Malaysia]
Dolly (February) [Australia]
Mademoiselle (February)
TV Antena (February 10th-16th) [Lithuania]
The Best (March) [Brazil]
Stadt magazine (March/April issue) [German language]
Cosmopolitan (April)
Cosmopolitan (June) [Poland]
Detour (June – The Cherry Issue)
Showtime (June)
Sophisticate’s Hairstyle Guide (June/July) [Canada]
TV Guide (June 25th-July 1st)
Entertainment Weekly (June 29th-July 6th)
Sunday Express “S” Magazine (July 29th-August 4th) [UK]*
Premiere World (September) [Germany]
The Sunday Telegraph Magazine (September 2nd) [UK]*
Star (September 25th-October 8th)
Nylon (November)
Pavement (November)
Etc (Novenber 16th) [Malaysia]
Dolly (December) [Australia]
Empire (December) [Australia]


Grl Lab (Month of issue unknown)
Sunday Herald Magazine (Date of issue unknown) [Australia]*
Rev (Spring issue)
Filmtidningen Bio (03/2002) [Sweden]
GQ (April) [UK]
Vanity Fair (April)
Etc (April 16th) [Malaysia]
Entertainment Weekly (April 26th)
IO Donna (May) [Italy]
Seventeen (May)
Vanity Fair (May)
TV Antena (May 4th-10th) [Lithuania]
Wiken (May 16th) [Chile]
Rolling Stone (May 23rd)
Who Weekly (May 27th) [Australia]
Evening Standard “ES” magazine (May 31st) [UK]*
Sirens Of Cinema (Summer Issue)
Cinegrama (June) [Chile]
Cinemania (June) [Spain]
Cosmo Girl! (June) [Turkey]
Esquire (June)
Flix (June) [Japan]
Glamour (June) [UK]
Juice (June) [Australia]
Kino (June)[Poland]
Seventeen (June)
Seventeen (June) [Mexico]
Tu (June) [Argentina]
Xpose (June) [UK]
Freizeit Kurier (June 1st) [Austria]
Tele K7 (June 8th-14th) [France]
Who Weekly (June 10th) [Australia}
Les Inrockuptibles (June 12-18th) [France]
Horzu (June 15th-21st) [Germany]
Cine-Tele Revue (June 22nd-28th) [France]
Video Store (June 23rd-29th)
Sette (June 27th) [Italy]*

Aftonbladet Puls (June 28th) [Sweden]                            

Veronica (June 29th) [Holland]
Film TV (June 3oth-July 6th) [Italy]
Australian Style (July) [Australia]
Cool (July) [Canada]
Dolly (July) [Australia]
Fotogramas (July) [Spain]
Girlfriend (July) [Australia]
Total Film (July) [UK]
B magazine (August) [Australia]
The Movie Show (August) [Japan]
New Cinema (October) [Japan]
Sky View (November) [Mexico]
Trend Health (December) [Japan]


Celebrity Sleuth (March)
RTV (June) [Chile]
Ocean Drive (Summer) [Australia]
Young (October)[Germany]
B Magazine (November) [Australia]
Elle (November)
Entertainment Weekly (November 14th)
Paper (December)
Cosmo Girl! (December 2003/January 2004)


Premiere (Month of issue unknown) [Mexico]
Seventeen (Month of issue unknown) [Mexico]
Sunday Times Culture magazine (15 February) [UK]*
Galaxie (16-29 February) [Malaysia]
Amica (March) [Germany]
Dolly (March) [Australia]
Elle (March) [South African edition]
Girlfriend (March) [Australia]
Nylon (March)
Inside Entertainment (April)
Sunday Express “S” magazine (25 April) [UK]*
Entertainment Weekly (April 30)
Allegra (May) [Germany]
Dazed And Confused (May) [UK]
Hot Dog (May) [UK]
New Woman (May) [UK edition]
TV Today (1 May) [Germany]
Nuts (7-13 May) [UK]
Cleo (June) [Malaysia]
First (June) [Singapore]
Spotlite (June) [Malaysia]
Glamour (19 June) [German edition]
Happenings (June 24)*
Sunday Telegraph Magazine (June 27) [Australia]*
Cosmo Girl! (July) [UK edition]
Esquire (July) [UK edition]
Feminine (July) [Malaysia]
Flaunt (July)
Hennes (July) [Sweden]
In New York (July)
Instyle (July) [Germany]
Joy (July) [Hungary]
LAM (July) [UK]
Lime (July) [Singapore]
Tele (July) [Switzerland]
Total Film (July) [UK]
Tu (July) [Mexico]
Vogue (July)
Premiere (July/August issue)
8 Days (1-8 July) [Singapore]
Wiken (2 July) [Chile]
Sunday Times Culture magazine (July 4) [UK]*
Sunday Times Magazine (July 4) [South Africa]*
Metrolife (9-15 July) [UK]*
Gong (10-16 July) [Germany]
Televizier (10-16 July) [Holland]
TV Movie (10-23 July) [Germany]
Vecko-Revyn (15 July) [Sweden]
Tele Cable Satellite (17-23 July) [France]
Celebrity Homes (August) [UK]
Dolly (August) [Australia]
Filles D’Aujourd’Hui (August)[Canada]
Im (August) [Hungary]
Joy (August) [Germany]
New Woman (August) [Australian edition]
Popular Cinema (August) [China]
Teen People (August)
Who (August 2) [Australia]
Cinefilms (August/September issue) [France]
Idoles (August/September issue) [France]
What To Wear (Autumn issue) [UK]
Allure (September)
Cosmopolitan (September) [Australian edition]
Marie Claire (September) [Australian edition]
Time Out (September 8-15) [UK]
What’s On (September 25-October 8) [UK]
Elle (October)
ElleGirl (October) [France]*
Glamour (October)[France]
Luna (October) [Italy]
Preview (October) [Holland]
Teen Vogue (October)
World Screen (October) [Malaysia]
Ditjes And Datjes (November) [Holland]
Marie Claire (November) [Mexico]
Julia (9 November) [Sweden]
Woman (2 November) [Germany]
TV Media (27 November-3 December) [Germany]


Tele DVD 7 (January 8th-14th) [France]
Jolie (February) [Germany]
Horzu (19-25 March) [Germany]
Shop Til You Drop (June/July issue) [Australia]
Film TV (5-11 June) [Italy]
Telerama (25 June-7 July) [France]
Filles (September) [Canada]
SkyWatch (September) [New Zealand]
Vive! (September) [Chile]
W magazine (September)
Les Inrockuptibles (14-20 September) [France]
Teen Tribute (Fall issue) [Canada]
Isa (October) [France]
Nick (October) [Italy]
Teen Tribute (October) [Canada]
Tu (October) [Mexico]
Entertainment Weekly (October 7)
USA Weekend (7-9 October)*
9 To 5 (October 10th) [Australia]
Rave (18-24 October) [Australia]
Sunday Age Preview (30 October) [Australia]*
You (30 October) [UK]*
Cosmopolitan (November) [France]
ElleGirl (November) [Netherlands]
Filmink (November) [Australia]
InStyle (November)
Joy (November) [Germany]
Marie Claire (November) [Netherlands]
Teen People (November)
Veronica (November) [Netherlands]
Woman (November) [Germany]
Take One (4 November) [UK]
TeleObs (5-11 November) [France]
Film TV (6-12 November) [Italy]
Julia (22 November) [Sweden]
InStyle (December) [Australia edition]
Max (December) [Italy]
Muze (December) [France]


InStyle (January) [UK]
Telescope (January) [Singapore]
8 Days (5-12 January) [Singapore]
Sain (February) [Australia]
Horzu (10 March) [Germany]
Cahiers Du Cinema (May) [France]
Le Spectacle Du Monde (May) [France]
L’Express Mag (May) {France]*
Park Mail (May 22nd) [Belgium]*
Le Figaro Scope (May 24th-30th) [France]
TV-Park (May 29th-June 4th) [Estonia]
Lifestyle (June) [Singapore]
Premiere (June) [France]
Another Magazine (Autumn/Fall Issue) [UK]
Interview (September)
Vogue (September)
Film Comment (September/October)
New York Post Page Six Magazine (September 14th)*
Next (October)
Nylon (October)
Stardust (October) [Sweden]
Sunday Times Culture Magazine (October 1st) [UK]*
Vecko-Revyn (October 5th) [Sweden]
The Times Magazine (October 7th) [UK]*
Entertainment Weekly (October 13)
Kultura (October 13th) [Poland]*
Noticias Sabado (October 14th) [Portugal]
Exit (October 18th)
News Sentinel Preview Magazine (October 18th)*
Woman (October 31st) [Germany]
Chixa (November) [Turkey]
Demi (November) [Finland]
In Style (November) [UK]
Star Inc (November) [Canada]
Tatler (November) [UK]
Teen Vogue (November)
Il Venerdi (November 17th) [Italy]
Film TV (November 19th-25th) [Italy]
Sunday Telegraph “Escape” Magazine (November 26th) [Australia]
Harper’s Bazaar (December) [Australia]
Informa (December) [taly]
Joy (December) [Germany]
Luna (December) [Italy]
OK ! (December) [Malaysia]
Starstyle (December) [Holland]
The West Magazine (December 16th) [Australia]*
Sun Herald “S” Magazine (December 17th) [Australia]*
Lisa (18 December) [Russia]


Elle (2007 Cinema Book) [Japan]
Elle Girl (January) [Russia]
Glamour (January) [Mexico]
Harper’s Bazaar (January) [Mexico]
Joy (January) [Russia]
Madame (January) [Turkey]
New Woman (January) [Australia]
Schweizer Illustrierte Style (January/February issue) [Germany]
Tu (January) [Mexico]
Elle (January 1st) [Argentina]
Elle (January 1st [France]
9 To 5 (January 15th) [Australia]
Paraleli (January 18th-24th) [Bulgaria]
TV Mini (January 21st – February 2nd) [Czech Republic]
Cinemania (February) [Argentina]
Joy (February) [Czech Republic}
Juicy (February) [Czech Republic]
Marie Claire (February) [Mexico]
Elle (March) [Japan]
Gatopardo (March) [Mexico]
Petra (March) [Germany]
Wiken (March) [Argentina]
Soul (March) [Greece]
Mlle Figaro (March 17th) [France]
American Photo (March/April issue)
3C Digital (April) [Malaysia]
Cleo (April) [Malaysia]
Hype ! (April) [Malaysia]
Mr & Ms (April) [Philippines]
Popcorn (April) [Mexico]
Spotlite (April) [Malaysia]
Tu (April) [Argentina]
U Magazine (April) [Ireland]
W Magazine (April)
Mail On Sunday “Live” Magazine (April 8th) [UK]*
Yo Dona (April 14th) [Spain]*
Jasmin (April 16th) [France]
Mizz (April 19th-May 2nd) [UK]
TV Max (April 20th – May 3rd) [Czech Republic]
IO Donna (April 21st) [Italy]
Elle (April 23rd) [France]
Cine Tele Revue (April 27th-May 3rd) [France]
Cleo (May) [Australia]
Cosmo Girl! (May) [Turkey]
DVD.IT (May) [Italy]
Eres (May) [Mexico]
Flix (May) [Japan]
Glamour (May)[France]
In (May) [Denmark]
In Style (May) [Germany]
Jane (May)
Lou (May) [Belgium]
Mia (May) [Italy]
Seventeen (May) [Argentina]
Seventeen (May) [Mexico]
Tu (May) [Chile]
Tu (May) [Mexico]
Klik (May 1st) [Malaysia]
Military Press Magazine (May 1st)
Tuesday (May 1st) [Australia]*
Luz (May 6th) [Argentina]
Afisha (May 7th-20th) [Russia]
Vanity Fair (May 10th) [Italy]
TV Movie (May 12th-25th) [Germany]
Altitude (Summer Issue) [UK]
Fair Lady (June) [South Africa]
Joy (June) [Germany]
Joy (June) [Hungary]
Marie Claire (June) [UK edition]
New Woman (June) [Australia]
Top Girl (June) [Italy]
Twist (June) [Poland]
Vogue (July)[Australia]
TV Direkt (July 7th-20th) [Germany]
Ouse Mais! (August) [Brazil]
Company (September) [UK]
Lula (Issue 5-Autumn/Winter) [UK]
DVD (October) [Turkey]
Madame Figaro (October) [Turkey]
Magazine (October 14th) [Spain]
Girls! (November) [France]


1001 Ceritera (March)[Malaysia]
Who (June 9th)[Australia]
Gazeta “Television” Magazine (July 25th-31st) [Poland]*
Fabric (October) [UK]
Glam It (October) [Belgium]
Harper’s Bazaar (October)
Vash Dosug (October 15th-26th)[Russia]
Celebrity Style (December) [Germany]
Jolie (December) [Germany]
Scarlet (December) [UK]


Dziennik “TV” Magazine (March 20th-26th) [Poland]*
Tele Swiat (March 20th-26th) [Poland]
Marie Claire (April)[Russia]
First (May) [Italy]*
Rzeczpospolita “TV” Magazine (May 1st-7th) [Poland]*
In Touch (May 6th) [Spain]
IO Donna (May 9th)[Italy]
Gioia (May 16th) [Italy]
Allure (December)
C California Style (December)


Style Papers (February) [France]
V Magazine (Spring issue)
Daily Tribeca (April 22nd-23rd)
Tele Magazyn (July 2nd-8th) [Poland]*
Black Book (December 2010/January 2011)
Style Papers (December 2010/January 2011) [Italy]


Grazia (April) [France]
The Hair Book (Spring issue)
Gynaika (Spring/Summer) [Greece]
Cinema (May) [Sweden]
Film (May) [Poland]
Expresiones (May 23rd) [Ecuador]
Rzeczpospolita “TV” Magazine (May 27th-June 2nd) [Poland]*
Madame Figaro (June 10th)[France]
Premiere (August) [France]
Sunday Telegraph “Stella” Magazine (August 21st) [UK]*
Elle (September) [UK]
Studio (September) [UK]
Wonderland (September/October issue) [UK]
The Herald Magazine (September 17th) [UK]*
Scotland On Sunday “Spectrum” Magazine (September ) [UK]
Vs. Magazine (Fall/Winter issue)
Pink (October) [Ukraine]
Schweizer Illustrierte Style (October) [Germany]
Flare (November)[Canada]
Marie Claire (November) [Mexico]
Angelino (November)
Manhattan (November)
Riviera Orange County (November)
20 Minuten (November) [Germany]
Hola! (November 9th) [Peru]
C California Style (December)


Lucky (January)
Yen (January) [Australia]
Mia (January 6th) [Ecuador]
Esquire (February) [Russia]
Glamour (February) [Greece]
Glamour (March) [Russia]
Shop Til You Drop (March) [Australia]
Glamour (April) [Bulgaria]
Beau Monde (May) [Romania]
Glamour (May) [South Africa]
Cleo (June) [Singapore]
Psychologies (June) [Russia]
Joy (August) [Russia]
Petra (August) [Germany]
Psychologies (August) [UK]
Be (August 24th) [France]
Cosmopolitan Beauty (September) [Russia]
Stellar (September) [Ireland]
Otdohni! (Issue 36/2012) [Russia]
Anna (October) [Italy]
Joy (October) [Indonesia]
Tu Style (October) [Italy]
Joy (November) [Romania]
Jolie (December) [Germany]
Joy (December) [Czech Republic]
Viva! Beauty (Winter) [Ukraine]


Joy (January) [Hungary]
IO Donna (Issue 08/2013) [Italy]
Yo Dona (March 30th) [Spain]*
Bullett (Spring issue)
Miss (June) [Austria]
LouLou (Summer issue) [Canada]
Sofis Mode (December 12th-25th) [Sweden]


Gala Beauty (Spring issue) [France]
Marie Claire Style (March) [Japan]
Harper’s Bazaar (May) [UK]
Petra (May) [Germany]
W Magazine (Summer Pleasures issue)*
Madame Figaro (May 31st) [France]*
Harper’s Bazaar (June) [ Czech Republic]
Madame Figaro Pocket (June) [France]
Daily Mail “You” Magazine (June 1st) [UK]*
To & Owo TV (July 19th-25th) [Poland]
Grazia (August 6th) [Italy]
Red (September) [UK]
The Edit (September 11th)
Vs. Magazine (Fall/Winter issue)
Glamour (October) [Brazil]
Blikk TV (October 6th-12th) [Hungary]
Moments Karntnerin (November) [Austria]


Capitol File (Fall Fashion issue)
Gotham (September)
So Film (September) [France]
Town & Country (September)
The Observer Magazine (October 4th) [UK]*
Stylist (October 7th) [UK]
Entertainment Weekly (The Reunions Issue – October 16th-29th)


C California Style (March)
Tvr-hét (March 14th-20th) [Hungary]
The Gentlewoman (Spring & Summer issue) [UK]
InStyle (May) [UK]
The Hollywood Reporter (May 27th)
Image (June) [Ireland]
Mindfood (June) [New Zealand]


TV Mini (April 15th-28th) [Czech Republic]
Variety (May 16th)
Natural Style (June) [Italy]
TV Max (June 30th) [Czech Republic]
Marie Claire (July) [UK]
Dazed (Summer issue)
Honeysuckle (Summer issue)
Acqua & Sapone (August) [Italy]
InStyle (August) [Germany]
Marie Claire (August) [Czech Republic]
Marie Claire (August) [Malaysia]
Fules (August 22nd) [Hungary]
Marie Claire (September) [Hungary]
Nylon (September)
Vanity Fair (September) [Italy]
C California Style (October)
Discover Germany (October) [UK]
Longevity (October/November) [South Africa]
Marfamily Issue 1 (Fall/Winter issue) [UK]
Panorama (December 15th-21st) [United Arab Emirates]*


Porter Edit (August 23rd)                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Yo Dona (December 14th) [Spain]*


CBS Watch (May/June issue)                                                                                                                                                                                                Fairlady (August)  [South Africa]


W Magazine (The Directors Issue)
Architectural Digest (November)
Gotham (November)
Los Angeles Confidential (November)
Sunday Times “Style” Magazine (November 7th) [UK]*
The Hollywood Reporter (November 22nd)
The Cut (December)


Casa Vogue (March) [Brazil]
The Wrap (March)
Backstage (March 17th)

KEY : * Magazine style supplement
All magazines are US editions except where stated otherwise.

Welcome, Fans

Welcome to Kirsten-Dunst.Org, the original and largest Kirsten Dunst fansite. In a career on film and television that spans the last four decades, Kirsten has made a name for herself with memorable performances in Interview with the Vampire, Fargo, The Virgin Suicides, the Spider-Man franchise, Wimbledon, Melancholia and many many more.

Proud to be the flagship Fansite for The Fan Carpet, Kirsten-Dunst[dot]Org and our gallery site have been online for over 20 years, we have been lucky enough to meet Kirsten in person and she is as warm, kind and beautiful as you see on screen.

The site is home to over 75,000 photos. John, Jess & Marc will continue to update you with all things Kirsten Dunst. Enjoy your visit and check back with us soon!

Next Up for Kirsten
Release Date: 2025
Also Starring: Juno Temple, Channing Tatum
Directed by: Derek Cianfrance.
Plot under wraps.

Release Date: TBD
Also Starring: Haley Ramm, Charlie McDermott
Directed by: Charlie McDermott, Sara Rejaie.
Plot under wraps.

The Entertainment System Is Down
Release Date: TBD
Also Starring: Keanu Reeves, Samantha Morton
Directed by: Ruben Östlund
Plot under wraps.

Civil War
Release Date: April 26th 2024
Also Starring: Wagner Moura, Cailee Spaeny
Directed by Alex Garland.
A journey across a dystopian future America, following a team of military-embedded journalists as they race against time to reach DC before rebel factions descend upon the White House..

Hank the Cowdog
Podcast series
Starring: Matthew McConaughey, Jesse Plemons
Hank the Cowdog, the self-declared "Head of Ranch Security," finds himself smack dab in the middle of a host of tangled mysteries and capers that span the universe of the Texas Panhandle cattle ranch Hank calls home. Hank is joined on these tail-wagging, tongue-slobbering adventures by a motley assemblage of characters, not least of which is his less-than trusty sidekick, Drover, a small but uncourageous mutt. Listen in as Hank the Cowdog always claims to know the answer, is the last to realize he doesn't, but is the first to run headlong into tales of courage, loyalty, and friendship.
IMDb Updates Photos Trailer

On Becoming a God in Central Florida
2018 TV Series
Directed by Yorgos Lanthimos
A recently widowed, impoverished Orlando water park employee schemes and cons her way up the ranks of the multi-billion dollar pyramid scheme which ruined her financially in the first place.
IMDB Updates Photos Trailer
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  • Newsletter : Latest
  • Support : Donate
  • Founder: Jess [ email ]
  • Webmasters -: John, Marc & Jess
  • Special Thanks : To The Fans
  • Since : February 1998
  • Currently :  Fans Online
  • Hosted by: The Fan Carpet