Kirsten Dunst dot Org » Fan Encounters

Have you met Kirsten?  Do you have a story that you’d like to share with other Kirsten fans?  If so, why not email us and we can add your story to this very page!  Please follow the links below to read other fan’s encounters with Kirsten.


Jess’s meets Kirsten. again. – London Spiderman 3 Premiere
23rd April 2007

So.. I had a very busy day already planned, so I wasn’t sure if I could make the premiere. The previous two times that I had been to London and attended her premieres (Wimbedon and Elizabethtown). – John was remarkably able to get actual tickets for us so I made the trip up with a friend. This time, no tickets, no friends… + a huge premiere? I wondered if I would actually see Kirsten and would it be worth the hours of standing… Plus I’m in complete denial that I am a ‘fan’. I hate being perceived as this… and the whole – standing at the front of the bars doesn’t really do much for my cred. LOL. I started the site so long ago, not because I was a fan, but because I adored her movie (Interview with the Vampire) and I thought it was so cool she got to kiss Brad Pitt!… but yes, over 8 years I have grown to love all her movies and really respect her as a person. I am so lucky to have chosen someone to be as down-to-earth and genuine as Kirsten… anyway, yes, see im rambling again…

Soooo… 2pm came – I decided I should go! So I quickly printed off some pictures to be signed by the cast and dashed down to Leicester Square. My journey consisted of asking myself, what am I doing? What if someone see’s me? lol.

I arrived! It was huge! I’d never really seen a big premiere before – I suddenly thought. Oh dear! I should have come earlier! I walked round in circles wondering how the hell to get into the’ middle bit’… I waiting by the locked gates.. and called John… ‘Hi John, It’s Jess here – where are you’? He said he could see me and I glanced around and waved! I eventually found my way to John and said hello… asked a few questions like how long have you been here?… its so warm today!… have you brought pictures?.. where shall i stand? eeeek…

John said that Jonathan had arrived too and I wondered, who, what, when, why? and …. where am I going to stand!!!.. looking around nervously thinking im too laaaate! every single bit of railing had been taken! John’s spot I have to say – wasn’t the best – however it was right at the front, and I probably would have risked that bit too if I were close enough to the front. I said I was going to go for a wonder to try and find myself a better spot. (I could have stayed by John but there were so many people sitting around him I just had nowhere to go really). As I walked around I noticed Jonathan, waved and walked over to say ‘Hi’. What a nice guy he is, so genuine and very easy to talk to. We had a giggle and a chat (not about you John, I promise) and he even said he felt like he should ask for my autograph or something! lol.. I felt touched but at the same time shocked. I’m just… me!? We talked about work and the website and of course Kirsten! (apparently he doesnt think too much on her new love interest lol)… He also gave me the most wonderful gift.. It was a real-made book full of images from the Elizabethtown premiere! With a whole page of photos of Kirsten and I! I had always been meaning to do something similar – I was touched! What a wonderful thing for someone to do.

I then wondered around and I realised I had nowhere to stand and Jonathan was defiantly in a good spot – (minus a huge tree in the way).. so I sneakily walked back over to him. After an hour the crowd got busier.. and somehow I managed to squeeze right in! Phewwww! Although I felt a bit bad leaving John, I was repeatedly saying this to Jonathan, he said he asked John to come over to this spot, so all I could do was hope that Kirsten would make her way down there !

It all started around 5.30… the C celebs arrived and soon after, Kirsten did too. She spent a long time greeting fans outside. I watched on the tv screen while getting a few pictures of the other tv celebs and footballers walking by. Kirsten slowly started to get closer and I spotted her mum standing only a few paces in front of me! I really wanted to shout ‘Inez’, but I think she may have been a little freaked out. I wanted so much to introduce myself, if only I was that little bit more confident… who knows…

Kirsten did her interviews and then started to walk down the line I was standing on, I was excited but at the same time cringing – what was I going to say to her? its me.. again? lol .. anyway, she got to me and it went a little like this:

Jess “Hi Kirsten! Its Jessica” … “Err the girl that does your website”..
Kirsten “Ohhhh Hiiiii, How are you doing”?

* She actually looked blank when I said Jessica but then it must have clicked because before I finished my sentence as she actually FLUNG her arms around me and HUGGED me! Yes hugged me! All I could think was wow – she sooo didn’t have to do that! I thought I was messing up her hair and makeup!”

Jess “Ahh you’re in London! I’m so glad you came to the London premiere!”
Kirsten“Awww yeh me too. I love London, but I have to leave in the morning…”
Jess “Aww do you? I see you brought your mum – thats nice!”
Kirsten “Yeah, Yeah my mum is here with me on this trip…”

– Kirsten says to publicist, this is the girl that does the most amazing website –
– Jess blushes and shakes her head –

Jess “Is it ok to have a picture?”

* Kirsten wasn’t allow to take any pictures due to her limited time, but she looked at her publicist …

Kirsten She can. She can – and passed the camera to her publicist.
Jess “Awww thaaank youuu”
Kirsten “Aww you should have come to the Premiere”
Jess “Aww I know, I know.. I tried.. hehe”
Kirsten “Aww I’m sorry, I’m sorry….”
Jess “No, No its ok, I was lucky enough to go to your last two, I cant have it all!”
Kirsten “Well it was nice to meet you again!”
Jess “Thaanks and you.. Have a wonderful evening!” *smiles*

Soo.. yes I think it went something like that! Then she started to walk down the line and I hoped John was next!! I even shouted back for Kirsten to tell her to ‘keep going’ because a friend that helps at the site is down there hoping to meet you… but I don’t think she heard me shout her name, or she probably ignored me and wonder ‘what do I want now’. lol… So that was that really.. I caught a glimpse of her leaving but nothing worth raving about. When I saw John I was so sad to hear that he didn’t even get an autograph. John really does deserve it and I felt terrible. I feel slightly responsible for not standing next to him.. but at the same time, maybe if I did, she wouldn’t have come over at all anyway! Next time John! There is always a next time! I feel so privileged by the whole day – people around me were just like, wow, how do you know her? Jonathan seemed excited and I was extremely glad to have waited the 3 hours to meet her again. I am so lucky to have started this site on such a genuine, kind hearted person. I can’t stress that enough!


Jess’s meets Kirsten – London Film Festival
20th October 2005

So…here goes… I went to Leicester Square at about 6pm, it would have been earlier (to get a good spot) but as my friend and I were only down for 2 night we had err possibly partied a little too hard on the first night… so we spent the day sleeping it off, had a huge hang over burger (mmm room service) then managed get ready and stomp down there feeling a little better! I met John, Phil and Marc (Phil and Marc for the first time) and I also met the winners of the screening tickets too – who were absolutely wonderful, such genuine and lovely people. John who’s always good to me, gave up his spot so I could stand at the front, which I still feel terrible about doing as he had waited a helluva lot longer than me. Aww he”s such a gentleman. So yes, we stood for about an hour and a half and then Cameron and Kirsten pulled up. God she looked stunning! Like a London princess! That dress is just outstanding, (where oh where can I find it).. she was all smiles and giggles as she went round the crowds of people signing autographs and taking photos. It was so cold but she spent a long time outside making sure she got round to everyone (Thank goodness). After her not coming anywhere near me at the Wimbledon premiere last year, honest to god I did not expect to meet her at all. But she started to get closer and I just didn’t know what I was going to say, I wasn’t even sure if I wanted to introduce myself… as I keep saying, I don’t want to look like a crazy fan! Aww but heres how it went…

Jess – Kirsten, you look beautiful
Kirsten – Thanks! (looks up and down again, signing more autographs)
Jess – Uhm btw I’m Jess, you know that girl that does your crazy website…
(Kirsten looks up, and grabs my arms!)
Kirsten – Oh my god, really? Oh wow.. HIIIII (huge excited simle)
Jess – Hiya (big shocked smile)
Kirsten – God its not crazy at all, your doing such a great job, really thank you so much. (giggles) Me and my friends love it, we check it out all the time… wow… you have so cool many photos…
Jess – aww wow yes thanks Molly said that you love checking out them out!
Kirsten – yeahh no thank you, your doing such a great job
Jess – Awww (grins – doesn’t know what to say – doh)
Jess – Can I have a photo please hunny?
Kirsten – Yeaaahh, sure… sure…
(Jess passes camera)
(Kirsten wants to take the picture, so she holds it up, yay click click.. wee)
and then erm I don’t remember what happened after that.. I think I said Thanks she said thanks, nice to meet you and then.. moved on… lol ..

But it was super great. Although I felt like a total fan (not reeeally what I wanted) it was so great. She really didn’t have to be like that at all. She could have so easily just have said.. OHHH Right, Okay Hiii (err bye now)… but no she was so sweet. I just hope maybe she might think I do look kind of normal, Im not the 50 yr old perv she might imagine… hehe. (She is so petit btw, she was like the same size as me, and im small, not skinny or thin, just so much smaller than i thought! Aww)

Anyway, after that, we went inside, I was really hoping to see her inside, and maybe say something to her then, but I had no chance. I was sitting quite far back inside the cinema, and I saw Kirsten waiting at the back to go on stage, then of course on stage introducing the movie and then again at the end doing the questions. (Im way to shy to ask a question) and Kirsten, sorry about the lame questions you were asked, but as you said you were probably just fine standing there.. hehe, you’ve been asked so many questions recently anyway (all probably the same ones too). Awww anyway it was all lots of fun. I’m over the moon, thank you to everyone!

… yay… what a neat experience!

More Photos: CLICK HERE


Webmiss Jess’s Near-Encounter With Kirsten
20th September 2004

On 20th September 2004, it was to be the UK Premiere of ‘Wimbledon’ in the Odeon Theatre, Leicester Square. Thanks to an extremely kind friend I managed to get hold of  tickets to go! I couldn’t believe my eyes when they came for-real in the post, yeay, I was going to a premiere and I was going to meet Kirsten!

The day before, I packed my suitcase and my boyfriend and I got on the train, six hours later we arrived in Paddington! I was so excited. The premiere was due to start at 6, but we got ready, jumped in a taxi to the Odeon and found our spot outside for a good chance of meeting Kirsten. It was right in font of the doors, to the right were the photographers and opposite the media crews. Yeay – a good spot, I thought.

I stood for about uhmm 2 hours, getting rather cold, waiting for the stars to arrive. Before I had left I printed off this amazing banner for Kirsten to sign, with the website on one site and a gorgeous rare photoshoot on the other, and yes you guessed it – I lost it! I had a panic attack hunting everywhere for it in the hotel but nothing 🙁 So instead I stood clutching my ticket in hope to see Kirsten and get some photos for the site and maybe even a signature!

At about half past six, Paul Bettany and wife Jennifer Connally arrived. The screams began. Paul and Jennifer spent a good hour signing autographs and meeting fans, Kirsten arrived shortly after them, she also spent about 20mins down the other end (by the cars) talking to fans, but when I thought I had a good spot, infact I didn’t, she walked straight up the red (or shall I say green) carpet, up to the photographers, missing all of my section out! 🙁 I shouted her name (even pronouncing it properly I might add, unlike everyone else around me – I think they thought I was saying it wrong!) Then to my disappointment she was rushed into the cinema to have more photographs.

I was gutted. Kirsten? No, but but where are you going? I felt so lucky to be there, but so gutted that all my hard work, 6 years of hard work and she didn’t even turn in my direction. Then reality kicked in and I do feel a little sad that I spend a lot of my life, a lot of time time devoted to a girl that doesn’t even know who I am, it’s strange, but because the site has come so far, I just can’t let it go.

I got some great shots of Paul and Jennifer and even little Emma Watson. It was cold outside, (I know I had been there in a skirt for 3 hours) but even so – all three spent a lot of time signing and talking to fans, next to me was a fan of Paul’s screaming ‘Please Paul Please’ Paul replied, ok, this last one is for you – I must get my wife inside its so cold, what kind of husband would I be if I didn’t’ :)” It was so cute. A real gentleman, trying to please all the ladies!

Anyway, still in hope that I may see Kirsten inside the cinema, we walked up the carpet and through the doors. Kirsten was gone and we were rushed through to our seats. Live on the screen inside the cinema is what’s going on outside, I saw that Kirsten was again in the entrance hall having photos taken with the entire cast… I thought owww – she is only up there, shall I..? Everyone was already seated, so as much as I wanted to just run up with my little camera and just get one good shot, I couldn’t. I just don’t have the confidence to do something quite as outrageous as that. I’m a fan yes, but I’m no nutty fan. I don’t want to be known as ‘the obsessive girl that does that website’ . I’m just a fan that has a successful website, and I just wish she liked what I do.

Shortly after Kirsten and the rest of the cast did go up onto the stage ( just before the movie began). Which was great, I got one quick photo, although not that great, then they left. I don’t even think they stayed for the movie. Which is understandable as they just saw it a few days prior in America. The movie was great and Kirsten was fabulous. So… there you have it. My near-encounter with Kirsten.

Maybe next time…

Ill stay in hope and I tell myself that I’m doing it for the fans, and I guess if Kirsten likes what I do, one day, somehow it will all be worth it.



Diana Meets Kirsten
December 2004

I went to the series of unfortunate events premiere and when I was waiting in the lobby of the theater I saw a guy who looked exactly like Jake Gyllenhaal, and it was so I watched him for a while and he went to go buy a ticket to a movie and guess who he was with! They were standing around for a while and so I went up to them and asked her for an autograph and she was really sweet about it and asked me my name and signed my paper, I would have asked for a picture too but they were dressed down so they obviously didn’t want to stand out and probably didn’t want to be photographed so I didn’t bother to ask. It was pretty awesome. She was the first famous person I ever met.


I saw Kirsten Dunst while Shopping!
Jessica, 16, Clifton Forge.

My sister and I were in New York City’s Soho when two regular-looking girls dressed in jeans passed us. My sister said, “The one in the sunglasses is Kirsten Dunst!” so we followed them into the store, a Detacher, to make sure. Then she took off her glasses, and we clearly recognised it was Kirsten. So when they were leaving, we asked her friend if she’d take a picture of us with Kirsten. They said yes and Kirsten asked where we were from. I was so excited to get my film back until I saw the picture – Kirsten was covered by her friend’s thumb so you can’t even tell it’s her! 😛

Welcome, Fans

Welcome to Kirsten-Dunst.Org, the original and largest Kirsten Dunst fansite. In a career on film and television that spans the last four decades, Kirsten has made a name for herself with memorable performances in Interview with the Vampire, Fargo, The Virgin Suicides, the Spider-Man franchise, Wimbledon, Melancholia and many many more.

Proud to be the flagship Fansite for The Fan Carpet, Kirsten-Dunst[dot]Org and our gallery site have been online for over 20 years, we have been lucky enough to meet Kirsten in person and she is as warm, kind and beautiful as you see on screen.

The site is home to over 75,000 photos. John, Jess & Marc will continue to update you with all things Kirsten Dunst. Enjoy your visit and check back with us soon!

Next Up for Kirsten
Release Date: 2025
Also Starring: Juno Temple, Channing Tatum
Directed by: Derek Cianfrance.
Plot under wraps.

Release Date: TBD
Also Starring: Haley Ramm, Charlie McDermott
Directed by: Charlie McDermott, Sara Rejaie.
Plot under wraps.

The Entertainment System Is Down
Release Date: TBD
Also Starring: Keanu Reeves, Samantha Morton
Directed by: Ruben Östlund
Plot under wraps.

Civil War
Release Date: April 26th 2024
Also Starring: Wagner Moura, Cailee Spaeny
Directed by Alex Garland.
A journey across a dystopian future America, following a team of military-embedded journalists as they race against time to reach DC before rebel factions descend upon the White House..

Hank the Cowdog
Podcast series
Starring: Matthew McConaughey, Jesse Plemons
Hank the Cowdog, the self-declared "Head of Ranch Security," finds himself smack dab in the middle of a host of tangled mysteries and capers that span the universe of the Texas Panhandle cattle ranch Hank calls home. Hank is joined on these tail-wagging, tongue-slobbering adventures by a motley assemblage of characters, not least of which is his less-than trusty sidekick, Drover, a small but uncourageous mutt. Listen in as Hank the Cowdog always claims to know the answer, is the last to realize he doesn't, but is the first to run headlong into tales of courage, loyalty, and friendship.
IMDb Updates Photos Trailer

On Becoming a God in Central Florida
2018 TV Series
Directed by Yorgos Lanthimos
A recently widowed, impoverished Orlando water park employee schemes and cons her way up the ranks of the multi-billion dollar pyramid scheme which ruined her financially in the first place.
IMDB Updates Photos Trailer
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  • Founder: Jess [ email ]
  • Webmasters -: John, Marc & Jess
  • Special Thanks : To The Fans
  • Since : February 1998
  • Currently :  Fans Online
  • Hosted by: The Fan Carpet