John / May 27th, 2023
Hi everyone. Many apologies that most of the website has been offline all month. We had a minor issue that turned into a major one.
Many thanks to Marc and Asif for sorting out the issue and I’d like to apologise to Marc for having to put up with my increasingly mad rants during this time!
I’ll be doing a few ‘behind the scenes’ checks and updates this evening and will (hopefully) start updating the gallery tomorrow.
John / February 22nd, 2020
Our very own Marc has written a short story called ‘Your Eyes’ that has been adapted for a planned short film.
Further details regarding the project, including a pitch video & crowdfunding request, can be found at The Fan Carpet.
John / November 9th, 2019
Hi everyone. We need your help! As you probably know this website is part of the fancarpet network of fansites. Unfortunately the fancarpet urgently needs to raise funds to continue to operate. Marc & Jess have today set up a crowdfunding appeal to raise the £1500 required, & (as I type this) have so far raised £500 of that amount.
You can read further details regarding the crowdfunding appeal at the fancarpet website, and if you are able to help you can donate here.
I’ll just add that I was only made aware of the financial situation today. It’s largely been brought about by the issues we had over the summer with our former hosting provider (the fancarpet was basically held to ransom by them & ended up paying two hosts at the same time for several months). Going forward I’m intending to get involved in the financial running of things to try and ensure nothing like this happens again.
Anyway thanks for reading, & please donate if you can.
John / September 12th, 2019
Finally! After two very long months the gallery is now fixed. Many thanks to Marc for his extreme patience sorting this out (& for putting up with my incessant rantings regarding this!).
I just need to get a few things checked/updated. Should be good to go tomorrow!
John / August 28th, 2019
Hi everyone, just a quick update re the gallery. Marc has been working around the clock trying to sort this out & the issue should (finally!) be fixed within the next 24 hours. The website will probably be offline for a short period in the next 24 hours whilst things are being fixed. So I’ll (hopefully!) be able to start updating the gallery either tomorrow or Friday.
John / July 24th, 2019
Hi everyone. Just a quick update re the website. We’ve had to reinstall a recent back-up of the website so I’ve had to repost the two ‘trailer’ posts below.
The website is now almost back to normal. However at present we can’t update the gallery. This should be sorted in the next few days (famous last words!).
John / July 14th, 2019
Hi everyone. Just a quick post to let you all know why the website was offline for the past couple of days.
The server the website was on has been having some issues so it was decided to move the website (& all the other websites on the server) to a new server. Marc has been sorting this out & unfortunately it’s taken longer than expected.
Anyway the website is partially back online now & (hopefully!) the rest of the website will be working soon. Once the move is complete that should fix the ongoing downtime issues the website has experienced recently.
John / October 21st, 2017
Hi everyone. Apologies that the website was offline for most of Thursday & Friday. We had an issue with the server. All sorted now.
John / September 3rd, 2017
Hi everyone. (I seem to be saying this a lot recently but) apologies that the website was offline since last Sunday. We initially had a minor problem with the gallery but then discovered a more serious issue with the website in general. We have now (finally) got it fixed so hopefully will have no more downtime. A big thank you to Marc (for his help & infinite patience with my mad rantings!) & also to Billy for sorting things out for us.
I’ve added to the gallery pics of Kirsten inside the theatre at the end of the Cannes Film Festival screening of “The Beguiled” & also departing the theatre following the screening. I’ve also added 3 pics of Kirsten at the Cannes Premiere after party.

John / July 16th, 2017
Hi everyone. As you can see we’ve (temporarily) reverted back to an old layout. We’ve done this as an issue with the new layout was preventing us from posting messages/updates. Hopefully we’ll have this fixed soon.