Finally, a brand-spanking new layout! I hope you like it, it was the 4th re-design. LOL. I took so long to get the layout up I ended up re designing one every few days. Doh… I hope you like the change. I have added some new images to the gallery, which including some some dvd caps from Kirsten appearance in ‘Gun’ in 1997 and some rare pictures sent in by Matt. I have also added new affiliates and new marie antoinette !icons. As you may or may not know, Kirsten celebrates her 24th birthday on April 30th. I am planning to send her something small from the site, so if you would like to be involved, please stroll over to the forum, and leave your birthday message for her. It’s back to Uni for me tomorrow, I hope everyone has had a great easter, hopefully it was less hectic than mine! Keep checking the gallery for new additions. John is doing a fabulous job scooping for photos. Oh and lastly a huge thank you to Stig for all his help with getting this new layout up. Phoa all the dramas! Oh and thanks to Ralf.. you can now access the site via! Thanks again everybody!